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Showing posts from February, 2021

Dr. Lee Merritt Part 2 - The "Shot"

In part 2 of our 3 part interview, Dr. Lee Merritt shares everything you need to know about the experimental COVID-19 shot. As she mentions in the interview, it should not legally be called a vaccine for 2 reasons: 1. It does not contain an antigen of whatever virus it is attempting to help the body build immunity to and instead is a gene therapy treatment. 2. It is still only has emergency use authorization status and thus enough safety trials have not yet been completed to be able to legally call it a vaccine. Check out this episode!

Untying the Confusion Around Tongue Ties

Untying the Confusion Around Tongue Ties Ashley Rainbolt, DDS You may have been hearing more about tongue ties lately.  There is a growing level of awareness of tongue ties, and new research is coming out about how important the function of the tongue is to optimal health.  What is a tongue tie? The cord of tissue under the tongue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth is known as the lingual frenum. A tongue tie (ankyloglossia) occurs when the lingual frenum is too tight and interferes with normal mobility and function of the tongue.  The appearance of the lingual frenum alone is not enough to diagnose a tongue tie.  The process of diagnosing a tongue tie requires an in-depth history of symptoms as well as a physical functional examination.  The most obvious tongue ties are known as anterior tongue ties because the frenum attaches close to the tip of the tongue.  Posterior or submucosal tongue ties occur when the restrictive frenum attaches far...

She's Back! Dr. Merritt Joins Us To Talk Masks & "The Shot"

We had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Lee Merritt again to discuss whether masks are working or not (per the data and research); what she thinks about the experimental shot; and how she thinks this whole pandemic mess is going to end. Whether you agree with her points of view or not, this episode will challenge you to think more critically. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! Check out this episode!

8 Tips To Help With Anxiety

We're starving for attention right now and so many people are anxious and depressed! As a society we've always struggled to talk about mental health. Now it is so much worse post COVID. The effects of social isolation might just be the biggest symptom of the pandemic that we didn’t take into account.  So with the rates of anxiety and depression going through the roof, and the fact that people struggle to find help for these issues at the best of times, it’s vital that you know how to take care of your mental health! Obviously if your anxiety has turned into a major health risk, then you need to seek professional medical assistance immediately. However, whether using medication or not here are 8 things you can do immediately to help you better cope with stress and anxiety. EXERCISE Exercise is one of the best ways to immediately upregulate your happy hormones (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) and down regulate our stress hormones. Have you ever been angry or frustrated and then ...

The Latest Updates On Everything COVID Related

There's a lot going on right now with regards to the handling of the pandemic - from the WHO finally after 10 months admitting that testing healthy people with a ramped up PCR test is unnecessary and unethical. States that have been on stringent lockdowns are finally realizing that if they don't open up now then there will be nothing left to open up! Meanwhile here in Nebraska there's some bills being introduced that will have a major bearing on our medical freedoms that we need to watch! Check out this episode!

Why Cosmo Is Failing Women

Please do not confuse self-love with health. We should all love ourselves exactly as we are! We all face bullies in this life - externally and/or internally. In today’s filtered and photoshopped world, people are harsh and can shame others for not having the perfect body. They judge others for being over or underweight. What is even more detrimental to our mental health is that we shame ourselves for how we feel and look. Body shaming provides nothing of any value and is extremely unhealthy to both the person shaming and the person being shamed. We all have our stuff that we need to cope with. The coping mechanism may be healthy or it may not. No one "wants" to have health or weight issues. But, we do what we know to get through. It's like the majority of smokers - they know it is probably killing them. But, because the draw of it is so strong for those people that even knowing the detrimental health benefit, they still can’t quit! The same goes for weight issues. Some pe...