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Do you take care of the 7 areas of your life?

Well, the month of January is already almost over. Are you in the 87% of people who set some fantastic goals for the year ahead and have already fallen off the wagon? Or, were you stuck on what goals to even set for the year?

Setting goals can help you find purpose and discipline in your life. If we don't set a goal then we are just driving through life without any destination in mind, and then we wonder why it is so easy to get off track!

But what area of our lives should we set a goal in? How do we keep balance if we set work goals but then no family goals, or personal health etc?

This year, try setting 1 goal for each of the 7 areas of life. These might be 90 day goals where, once a cycle is complete you set a new goal for each area.

Here are those 7 areas and some examples of goals you might set:

1. Career: This could be anything from working towards a new promotion, to starting your own business, or maybe even completely changing jobs.

2. Financial: Maybe you want to improve your savings habits? Or get out of debt faster? Set a goal that will drive you faster towards whatever that goal might be.

3. Family: How can we expect our relationships with our family and friends around us to be great if we never set aside anytime to work on them? This year you might want to set a goal of bringing your family closer together, so maybe 4 nights a week everyone eats together at the dinner table with no electronics allowed?

4. Mind: Are you doing anything to improve your own mental capacity and strengthen your ability to deal with adversity? This year take some courses or read some books that will help sharpen your brain!

5. Physical: Ever feel like you are stuck in a roller-coaster where your weight and physical fitness rises and falls faster than an amusement park ride? Or are you in pain and don't know what to do? Without dietary or exercise goals, this pattern will continue forever!

6. Social: What are you doing to help your fellow humans? Maybe you enjoy volunteering your time and/or money? Maybe you just want to be more aware of holding doors open for people, or smiling and saying hello to everyone you walk past. You can really get creative in this area!

7. Spiritual: Do you ever ask yourself "why am I here on this planet? What is the meaning of life?" We should be occasionally asking ourselves these questions. Set a goal to get more in touch with your spiritual connection - for some people this might mean going to church more regularly, or meditating, or writing in a journal. It all depends on how you feel connected.

Please feel free to share your goals below. And if you need some help with your health goals, please call Sarpy Chiropractic at (402) 593-9930.


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