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Showing posts from June, 2023

How To Manage Acid Reflux

The combination of heartburn, GERD, and acid reflux together are one of the most common health issues in the world. This means they’re also one of the most commonly medicated groups of health issues. But, is the approach to treating acid reflux correct? Is it actually due to too much stomach acid, or is diet and lifestyle a bigger issue? In this episode I examine what the research actually shows about lifestyle, medications, and acid reflux! Check out this episode!

The Best Diet For Autism/ADHD

If you’re a parent of a child with special needs - including autism or even ADHD, then you’ll know how difficult it can be to help your child eat a healthy diet, while also seeing how bad the effects are on their behavior and health from poor eating habits. So what should you do? Well, in a perfect world you’d have your child eating a healthy diet that promotes good brain and body development, which in my opinion means good quality grass fed meats and organs, high quality fats, eggs, organic fruits, and organic low-lectin vegetables, minus a lot of carbs and zero processed foods. But we all know it’s not that easy, right? And even more importantly for kids with special needs, they so often have major gut issues that make eating correctly even more important. In this video I talk about not just what foods you want to try to encourage, but also the supplements that can help fill in the holes, and some strategies to help if you have a child who can’t or won’t swallow tablets. Check ou...

What's Really Behind Leaky Gut?

A few hundred years ago, if you had a well built castle on top of a hill, with a wide moat around it, then your castle was almost impossible to be attacked. Your defenders could sit atop the walls and pick off attackers with bow and arrows. Now think of your gut and intestinal lining like this castle wall, and your gut microbiome is your moat. So what 2 things have to happen to make that castle more vulnerable to being penetrated and taken over? If the moat dries up - or in the real life situation, if your gut microbiome is unhealthy - then you lose that first layer of protection. Next we have our gut/intestinal lining, or the wall of our castle. This lining is only 1 layer thick of cells packed really close together with tiny openings called tight junctions that are designed to only let specific molecules cross into our bloodstream and get to our cells. Everything else is meant to be blocked and continue out of our body via our stools. However, once damage starts to occur and we g...

The Food That is More DEADLY Than Sugar

There’s a lot of awareness these days about how dangerous sugar is for our health, and rightly so. Long-term sugar consumption is one of the main drivers behind our chronic health and obesity epidemics. But there’s something we are eating everyday that’s even worse for our health than sugar, and that is seed oils! These nasty, rancid oils (things like vegetable oil or canola oil) should never have been sold as safe for human consumption. They damage every cell in our body, and it was originally thought that they would stay in our cells for a few months, even causing damage to our DNA. But newer research shows it might be up to 600 days before our body can move them out. Yikes!  So avoid these nasty oils at all costs. Don’t even eat them in moderation. Don’t buy any foods that have them on the label. And just be OK with the fact that when you eat out, your food was probably cooked in those oils. But because of this, you can NEVER use them at home because every exposure is so dama...

What Is MTHFR?

There’s a lot of awareness around this genetic mutation, and that’s great. It’s a big reason why so many people are chronically sick. When the MTHFR gene mutations are present, your methylation pathways don’t work very well, which means you struggle to detox. So a lot of people will test positive for this, and then following orders from their Functional Medicine Doctor (or their own research) they’ll start taking B12 and methyl folate. But, this is a mistake. You must first open your drainage pathways, and then remove the other underlying causes like parasites, mold, and so on. Then you’re ready to add B12 and methyl folate. Why? Well, if you ask your body to start trying to move out metals and chemicals when your drainage pathways aren’t open, then you’ll end up stirring them up from wherever your body has been able to wall them off, then you can’t move them out, so they’ll resettle and cause even more issues. But if you’ve opened your drainage pathways and moved out the other bl...

Folic Acid vs. Folate Explained

One is really good for you and helps improve (or prevent) a B9 deficiency. The other is synthetically made and contributes to the deficiencies. Folate is naturally occurring, is what your body needs, and is found in high content in organ meats and dark leafy greens (although be careful here because if you eat too many dark greens you can ingest a high level of lectins and oxalates, both of which are damaging to your health). Folic Acid on the other hand, is synthetically made, is not used very well by the body, and actually competes with folate for the same receptors in the body and thus creates an even bigger deficiency issue. So throw out any supplements that have folic acid in them, and try to avoid foods that have been fortified with folic acid. Check out this episode!

From Chaos To Boss - Part 2

It was so great to have Lynette Sorrentino join the show again. This time we dived deeper into why most people's lives are chaotic rather than organized and stress-free, and of course what to do about it! If you are feeling overwhelmed with the busyness of life, this podcast is for you. You're not alone. Lynette offers some tips to help you reduce the stress of everyday life and start to set yourself up for the life you want to live. Lynette is also offering up a mastermind course to help you get your life organized and back on track! She brings 30+ years of experience working as an entrepreneur as well as enjoying coaching and teaching others how to have thriving families and successful businesses. She was a high-ranking leader in a Fortune 500 sales organization earning multiple awards and accolades She is a sought after Chaos Consultant, Boss Lady and speaker dedicated to busy professionals, solopreneurs, and mompreneurs who are sick of feeling exhausted, stressed and g...

The perfect diet

There is no “one size fits all” diet. But, in my opinion there’s some universal health principles that everyone should follow with their nutrition and eating habits if they want to live their best life! It starts with eating in a time compressed window. Snacking 15 times throughout the day over a 12 hour period is terrible for your health, even if you only eat good quality foods. Then, the reason why ALL diet plans work initially - cut out all of the processed junk, sugars, chemicals, artificial sweeteners etc. After that, everyone's a little different, but in this episode I lay out as close to what the perfect diet would be for MOST people. Check out this episode!