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Showing posts from October, 2023

Is Glyphosate Killing Us?

Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientist at MIT, where she has had continuous affiliation for more than five decades. Currently a Senior Research Scientist (MIT’s highest research rank) at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, she has supervised 21 Master’s and 14 Ph.D. students. For over a decade, since 2008, she has directed her attention towards the role of nutrition and environmental toxicants on human disease, with a special emphasis on the herbicide glyphosate and the mineral sulfur. In this interview with Dr. Stephanie, she covers the major damage that Glyphosate is playing on both the human body and the planet’s ecosystem as a whole. If you haven’t yet read her book “Toxic Legacy” then you need to go and buy it asap and read it! The information in there is vital if you want you and your family to remain healthy! You can contact Dr. Stephanie here: Check out this episode!

Here's Why Mother's Should ALWAYS Trust Their Intuition

There’s no more powerful force in the world than the love a parent has for their child. But mother’s especially develop an unbreakable bond with their child after growing, feeding,a dn nurturing them. This is why when it comes to the health of your child, mother’s should ALWAYS trust their intuition. You know when something doesn’t feel right. It might be that you were dismissed even though you know something more is going on.  Or maybe a medical treatment was recommended that just doesn’t feel right to you. So what should you do? Always speak up. Always be the best advocate for your child. Get 2nd and 3rd opinions until you feel like you can be comfortable with the direction you’re going, or the diagnosis you’ve received. The biggest regret you’ll ever have as a parent is looking back and knowing that you’re feelings were screaming at you to do something different and you ignored them! Check out this episode!

Everything That's Wrong With The Body Positivity Movement!

I’m sure the body positivity movement started with all of the right intentions. And I certainly agree with some of the premises. Every human should love themselves exactly how they are! But loving yourself doesn't mean the same thing as accepting less for yourself. And allowing your health to get away from you, and become obese, will impact your ability to live your best life. But it also affects your family. It’s not fair for them to lose you younger than they should because of poor health, or if you can’t do the things you want to enjoy with your spouse or kids or grandkids because your weight or health is holding you back. And before you get mad at me - I absolutely understand that many of you reading this are struggling with weight problems even though you eat a healthy diet. But if you find the right health practitioners to help you get to the root cause, you CAN correct the problem and drop all of that weight! Check out this episode!

Benefits Of Boron, The "Miracle Mineral"

The majority of people watching this video are probably deficient in Boron. But don’t think of it like a supplement that you need to take. Boron is a trace mineral, and it’s very important to have sufficient levels of it. Like all things you want to try and improve the levels through diet, but some people will need to supplement with it if they’re severely deficient.  There’s a lot of reported benefits to maintaining adequate levels of Boron, from improved wound healing, to less inflammation and arthritic pain, to even decreasing the side effects of chemotherapy! Check out this episode!

9 Amazing Health Facts You Need To Know

There’s so many reasons why the overall health of the Western world is going down the toilet! In this episode I talk about 9 of the most important reasons that can be controlled to help all of us turn around our collective health! How do you measure if you’re truly healthy and “metabolically flexible?” Only 12% of American adults are. Why is America ranked dead last out of all of the industrialized nations when it comes to safety for mothers and newborns when going through the birth process? How badly are average testosterone levels dropping in men and what can be done about it? Why do we change definitions when something is common but not normal, instead of looking at the reasons behind it? This is what is happening with the average onset age of puberty, especially in girls. How many members on the USDA dietary committee receive payouts from food companies? The number will shock you! Avoiding the sun is being shown to be as unhealthy as smoking. So is sitting inside all day...