Nutrition is actually the number one thing you can change to prevent ear infections as the vast majority are triggered by some kind of food allergy or intolerance.
- Start by avoiding sugars (especially soda) and fruit juices (unless it is a fresh organic juice you have made yourself!) as much as possible. Sugar destroys our immune systems more than anything else we eat!
- Avoid pasteurized milk. Consumption of any dairy products, but especially pasteurized dairy is one of the biggest potential culprits for many kids.
- If your child is suffering from recurrent and chronic ear infections, cut back on all wheat and gluten. Gluten intolerance has been found as a major factor in chronic ear infections.
- Decrease their exposure to second hand smoke, as this has also been strongly linked to an increase in ear infections.
- Breast-feeding for at least 6 months has been linked to fewer ear infections. If you can't breastfeed, make sure you bottle feed with your baby sitting upright. Bottle feeding while lying down has also been linked to an increased risk in ear infections.
- Get your child Adjusted by a Pediatric Chiropractor. If the nerve pathways to the jaw and eustachian tubes are functioning properly then there is less chance of a blockage in the first place.
If you have any questions regarding your child's ear infections and how to prevent them, either leave a comment below or call us so we can provide you with some answers.
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