If you’ve ever tried to treat chronic health issues and experienced a major 2-3 day flare-up then you’ve probably suffered from a Herx reaction.
This reaction occurs due to whatever organism you’re killing (parasites, Bartonella etc) suddenly releasing toxins into your bloodstream.
Common symptoms include: Headaches, skin breakouts, fatigue, nausea, joint pain, and general flu-like symptoms.
It can happen at any time, but happens far more commonly if you’ve started treating the toxins before effectively opening up your drainage pathways. This is why it’s so important to treat chronic health issues in the right order!
If you do experience a Herx reaction, immediately stop taking whatever the “killing” agent is to let the reaction clear. Then reassess if you’ve opened up your drainage pathways enough to continue the killing phase. Or maybe you just need to add more binders, or sweat more consistently.
You’ll also want to make sure you're feeding your mitochondria with enough energy (that’s why I put all of my chronically ill patients on the Cellcore products BC-ATP and CT-Minerals).
Then when you’ve recovered and you’re ready to try again, titrate the killing agent slowly. For example if you were taking 10 drops of something, start with 1 drop and only increase after a few days of successfully handling each dose.
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